Conference Management

Organizing a conference becomes a very pleasant experience when managed online. It brings efficiency, transparency and provides all information on finger tips. We at Sri Technocrat have developed an expertise in Conference Management.

Organizing a conference becomes a very pleasant experience when managed online. It brings efficiency, transparency and provides all information on finger tips. We at Sri Technocrat have developed an expertise in Conference Management.

Organizing a conference becomes a very pleasant experience when managed online. It brings efficiency, transparency and provides all information on finger tips.

We at Sri Technocrat have developed an expertise in Conference Management. Major activities we carry out include:

  1. Conference Website – it can be updated as many times as required dynamically, maintaining record of all changes done from time to time.
  2. Online Registration of delegates, invited speakers, sponsors and exhibitors.
  3. Abstract / Document Submission – abstracts, full papers, travel documents and like.
  4. Payment Gateway – collection of registration fee, transport charges and accommodation.
  5. Accommodation Management and local logistics.
  6. Transport Scheduling – based on requests made by conference delegates.

Sri Technocrat has managed many conferences in the past. Some of the major conferences managed by us are:

  • International Conference on Perspectives in Vibrational Spectroscopy (
    Expected Delegates – 200, After using our system – 350+
  • INSPIRE- Programme of Ministry of Science & Technology, Department of Science & Technology
    Expected Registration – 250+, After using our system – 450+
  • POLYCHAR World Forum on Advanced Materials
  • IAHS World Congress on Housing Science, IIT Kharagpur

It is heartening to share that our website design enhances the value of the conference and generate greater interest amongst deligates and browsers. This is reflected in a larger participation and a wider acceptance.